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Wynonna Earp Season 2 Tv Review

Writer: Amy CheronAmy Cheron

**WARNING! This review does have spoilers for the second season of Wynonna Earp. Read at your own risk**

Season 2 of Wynonna Earp was kind of split up into two parts. At least that was my interpretation of it. The first half of the season was about the black goo stuff that was actually something called a Mictian. The Mictian was possessing Waverly for most of the first half trying to build a lightning rod so it could fuse with her body completely, but Wynonna got it out of her and killed it before it could do so. Then the second half of the season was about The Widows who were two witches that took the faces of Mercedes and Beth Gardner. And yes, they literally stole the faces of the two, it was freaky. Along with The Widows, there was also Bulshar who is a powerful demon. I enjoyed this season a lot, it had a lot of good points in it and having the two parts to it made it really interesting and not too drag out. I liked seeing a different side to Dominque who plays Waverly and Melanie's, who plays Wynonna, acting with their characters being possessed by the Mictian. I got really emotional when I was watching Wynonna give birth to her baby, and I feel as though it was pretty justified for me to get emotional over it because it was a strong scene and Melanie did a phenomenal job. I liked getting to see more and learn more about the Black Badge Division and figuring out what was going with it and what they were doing. I also liked how it had a good variety of different things throughout the season like storytelling, humour, emotions, relationship growth, character development.

Now to get into my list of favourite episodes from this season. First on my list, like last season is the first episode 2.01 "Steel Bars and Stone Walls". This episode picked up very nicely from the finale of the previous season. Last season ended with a cliffhanger of Waverly pointing a gun at Doc and Wynonna and this season picked up right where that left out giving a great introduction to the new season. The episode was exhilarating and funny and very interesting to watch. It had a lot of strong moments in it that made it a great way to start off the new season. I absolutely loved Dominique's accent and that is her real accent. Dominique is from the UK and does an American accent for the character. And at the end of the episode, Melanie did a great performance when Wynonna was in Willa's room.

Next episode on my list is 2.02 "Shed Your Skin", I thought this one was really funny. There

were some "Wayhaught" moments in the episodes, which are always nice to see. One of my favourite couples and a very great representation of the LGBTQ+ community. The goop and the bugs were both and very gross and very funny to watch. I definitely did not envy Melanie and Dominique's job of getting covered in slime and goop but they did a great job with it. In this episode there were some more scenes with the black goo affecting Waverly, still, don't know a lot about what it is or what it wants at this point in the season.

The third episode on my list of favourites is episode 2.04 "She Ain't Right". There was a lot of things to unpack in this episode, first Doll's is back and he is not human. Apparently, he is some sort of fire breathing dragon lizard thing. The Mictian can regenerate body parts, when Waverly got her hand chopped off from the bad guy that can grow a machete-like thing from his wrist, the Mictian grew it back somehow. We got to see more of the relationship between a lot of people. The friendship between Doc and Dolls has grown with Doc getting help from Rosita and Jeremy to try and save Dolls' life. The relationship between Dolls and Wynonna has grown a lot since the first season, some romantic elements are definitely there between the two. The bond between Wynonna and Waverly was very present in this episode. The big sister trying to protect the little sister from everything evil in the world. Finally, the suspenseful cliffhanger to this episode with Wynonna finding out that Waverly is possessed and then it goes into her! AH! Also, I would like to point out a slight correlation between what this absolute was about and the title being half of the phrase "She ain't right, she's my sister", which I thought related to Wynonna learning that Waverly was possessed by the black goo Mictian thing.

The fourth episode on my list of favourites is 2.05 "Let's Pretend We're Strangers". Continuing on from the cliffhanger of the previous episode, this one starts off with Wynonna being possessed by the Mictian and Waverly tied up. Of course, no one knows that it exists besides the Earp sisters and no one can tell at first that it's in Wynonna. But Wynonna being the person she is, is fighting hard against it, trying to tell everyone that it is in her. In this episode, some new people were introduced. Some really annoying, one-minded, cult-like people disguised as firefighters. Lucado is finally dead, sorry to anyone who did like that character, I personally thought she was very stuck up and would do anything to get the job done. Some more "Wayhaught" scenes which I love to see, as I said before. But, come on, they're a super cute couple and are really good together. The Mictian is no more, Nicole and Wynonna saved Waverly and Wynonna shot it in the face. Does it even have a face? I can't tell, it looks like it's just a worm with a mouth. And the ending with another cliffhanger, this show loves cliffhangers apparently. But they do get the heart racing, adrenaline pumping, makes it very exciting to find out what happens next. For this one, we learn that Wynonna is pregnant! When Waverly was talking to Wynonna about why the Mictian preferred her body because it said Wynonna's was too crowded. This adds to the season and leads a lot of things up to the finale of the season.

Next on my list is episode 2.06 "Whiskey Lullaby", in this episode a lot of things changed. Somehow everyone is asleep and The Widows are trying to raise their husband Bulshar and destroy Purgatory. And let me just say, those witches are freaky evil things. This episode was funny at some points which kind of eased off the stress and worrying sometimes; brought a little lightness into the episode. With everyone being asleep, time was supposedly frozen. But Wynonna kind of drew the short straw because even though time froze, her baby still grew as the days went on. A little behind the scenes fact, Melanie who plays Wynonna was actually pregnant during this season. So they wrote it into the show and that was Melanie's baby bump growing. But like props to her for doing everything while being pregnant. Tucker is an utter asshole, he's insane, and deserves what's coming to him. I know he was written as a villain but seriously that boy needs to be taught a lesson without having the shelter of his family's name and money. And finally one of my favourite parts of the episode was the beautiful moment between the Earp sisters at the end of the episode. When Waverly was supporting and comforting her sister and always staying by her side.

Bit of a jump in episodes for the next one on my list of favourites is 2.10 "I See A Darkness".

I like to call this episode the Wayhaught episode of the season because we were blessed with so many moments and scenes with them and their relationship and I really loved seeing it. And a special guest star on this episode, at least a special one to me, is Clark Bacco who plays a character on my favourite show "Supernatural" (which most of you probably already know). So it was lovely to see a familiar face guest star in this episode with a shocking entrance of being Nicole's wife *gasp*. I do have to say one line that made me laugh a lot was the line "Give me back my Nedley". I'm not even entirely sure why it just made me laugh a lot. Then once again, another cliffhanger for the next episode. Like I said earlier they were just throwing cliffhangers out left and right. However, with the show only averaging about 12 episodes per season, having cliffhangers for most of the episodes do make it entertaining and leave you wanting more.

The second last episode on my list of favourites is 2.11 "Gone As A Girl Can Get". This episode was crazy, everyone was so different and everything that happened was so different. Without Wynonna being there, everyone is almost polar opposites of themselves. It really shows what an impact she has had on their lives and the impact they've made on hers. However, it was interesting to see the lives they would have had if Wynonna wasn't there. This was one of my top favourite episodes of the season. Like I have my list but if I were to rank them, this would be near the top if not first on the list. I do appreciate how even though they had different lives, Wayhaught was still a thing!! I loved that and them. And my favourite part of the episode had to be Waverly, Nicole, and Jeremy in the barn at the very end of the episode. It was a really funny and good scene in the episode where parts of their lives when Wynonna was there were kind of bleeding through, going to back how it is supposed to be.

The last episode on my list of favourites is the finale 2.12 "I Hope You Dance". This was an amazing finale and a great way to end the season with everything that was going on in it. A few things I want to talk about before I get into my main favourite point of the episode. The witches are finally gone, Doc somehow managed to split a bullet from Peacemaker killing both of them. When they died they turned into these like white crab things and can I just say that is GROSS. Bulshar has risen and appears to be the new villain for the third season of "Wynonna Earp". There's a Baby Earp, Wynonna gave birth to her baby and I'm saying its Doc's baby and no one can tell me otherwise if they have any other theories. Or maybe this was confirmed and I didn't see that, oh well. Now for my main favourite point of the episode, was Melanie's absolutely phenomenal performance towards the end of the episode. When she was giving birth to her child, proving to her baby sister that she is, in fact, an Earp and her sister and nothing will change that. When she had to give her child away not sure if it was half-revenant or not, in order to give it a good life. The strength of a someone, be it character or person, to give up their own child to give them a chance at a better life is extraordinary. And Melanie did a wonderful job and helped make a beautiful scene that will never cease to make me not cry when watching it or talking about it.

Obviously, I love this show and everything in it. This season was great and I would of course highly recommend watching it and giving it a chance so that they can complete the fourth season. Hope you enjoyed this review of Wynonna Earp's season 2.


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