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Supernatural Season 14 Tv Review

Writer's picture: Amy CheronAmy Cheron

**Warning, there are spoilers for season 14 of Supernatural in this review, read at your own risk**

For this review, I am going to be talking about the most recent season of the show Supernatural, season 14. The previous season to this one ended with Lucifer supposedly being dead, Jack is human with no grace, the bunker is full of hunters from the apocalypse world, and Dean is possessed by the archangel Michael from the apocalypse world who is currently in control. That previous season ended with the cliffhanger of Michael’s glowing blue eyes inside Dean’s body that set up season 14 and made the hiatus very painful, worrying and questioning what was going to happen next.

I have some mixed feelings about this season, sometimes I really like it and sometimes I don’t. Mostly it’s the episode I don’t like compared to the full season. I liked the Michael storyline, I thought it was interesting and Jensen did a really good job with the portrayal of the character. I liked seeing Sam take on a leader role in the beginning of the season with the other apocalypse world hunters. I liked the relationship between Team Free Will 2.0 in the beginning of the season with Jack losing his powers and then trying to get them back. I liked getting to see more of Rowena this season, there has been a lot of character development with her and I enjoyed seeing it. Some things I didn’t like about this season was their was kind of a lot of storylines going on all at once without a definite one for the season. Jacks condition was kind of the main storyline of the season but there was still a lot of filler episodes and monsters of the week. I didn’t like how their wasn’t an official big bad villain for the season, there was Michael then he died, the Lucifer/Nick thing was just really weird and honestly annoying because they just kept bringing him back for no reason. It seems like their trying to turn Jack into a villain because he had no soul and then his powers were going crazy but then that just destroyed all of the character development that happened in the previous season and in the beginning of this season.

Now, for some of my favourite episodes from this season. First, is the very first episode of the season, 14.01 “Stranger In A Strange Land”. I liked this episode because I thought it gave a good introduction to Michael and to Jensen playing him from the ending of the last season. The way he played Michael was so different from Dean, it both freaked me out a little because I didn’t quite recognize him playing Michael and fascinated me by the range of his acting skills being able to play two completely different characters. I thought they did a good job of introducing the apocalypse world hunters and showing Sam taking on the leader role for them. I really enjoyed getting to see Danneel again in this episode, it’s always nice to have her on the show and I hope they bring back Gen as well. I thought it was a very strong opening for the season, they did a good job of picking it back up from where 13 ended, and I liked that.

The second episode on my list is 14.04 “Mint Condition”, this episode exceeded my expectations so much and I absolutely loved it. It was so funny and I loved seeing the more geeky/fandom (geeky in a good way) side to them. It was great to see Dean get excited over the hatchet man movies and the red hood costume. I like how they had a female version of Sam in it, called her Samantha. I really liked how they did the parallels from the hatchet man movies to real life with the hatchet man monster, because personally for me I like finding parallels in the show from seasons apart or from two different shows that have some similar storylines and characters to them. The third episode on my list is 14.06 “Optimism”, this episode both

made me happy and worried. I liked seeing more of the relationship between Jack and Dean. When Jack first came on the show, Dean was very hesitant about it and him, very on guard about whether or not he was gonna be like his birth farther, Lucifer, (because let’s be honest Cas, Dean, and Sam are pretty much his real dad’s), or if Jack was gonna be like his mother, Kelly. I enjoyed watching the scenes where Sam and Charlie from the apocalypse world were talking, we got to see a more in depth look into that Charlie’s past and it was interesting to watch and listen to. Really quickly I want to say this (even though you can read this at whatever pace you want, but whatever), those fly creature things were SO GROSS, THEY WERE DISGUSTING! Excuse my screaming but I needed to say that because man they were just, no…no. Anywho, the cliffhanger at the end of the episode left me worried for Jack, but also set up the next episode very nicely.

The fourth episode on my list of favourites is 14.07 “Unhuman Nature”, just like the previous episode, this one left me even more worried about Jack and his condition. I really liked Jack and Dean’s road trip adventure, I thought it was adorable and I love how Dean was teaching Jack how to drive, and then they went fishing, and everything about it was so pure and lighthearted, it was amazing. One thing I didn’t like was the inconsistency with Rowena not knowing about Jack or the fact that Lucifer is his father; and I think there’s been other things that have been inconsistent in the season. I did like the funny, cute scene with Sam, Dean, and Cas when they were in the kitchen eating the nougat chocolate bar and trying to relieve the stress of everything going on. The fifth episode on my list is 14.10 “Nihilism”, this was the first episode that came

on after the winter hiatus. Michael is back in Dean from the ending to the previous episode. Even though Michael!Dean scares me, I do still like getting to see Jensen play that character because he does a really good job with it. I absolutely loved how Dean’s happy place in his mind was him running a bar, not willing to give it up even if it wasn’t getting very much business, and the fact that Pamela was there too!!! I loved getting to see her again, I missed her. I thought it was kind of interesting to hear all of the memories in Dean’s mind, both good and bad, and for me at least, being able to recognize a lot of them, if not most of them. I also really liked how there was a lot of easter eggs for The Family Business Beer Company, which is for those who don’t know is Jensen brewery that he made, owns, and runs with his wife and brother-in-law, with the beer kegs having the logo on it, the cosmic cowboy beer on tap, and the FBBC poster in the background.

The sixth episode on my list of favourites is 14.12 “Prophet and Loss”, I already enjoyed this episode a lot when I watched it, especially the ending scene. And then hearing what happened when filming that scene from the J2 panel at the SPN Nashville convention this year, it just made me appreciate that scene, the work they do, and how well Jared and Jensen know each other and the bond they have even more. For those of you who didn’t hear about this, Jared had a hard time filming the last scene of this episode, and Jensen had his back the whole time through it. Along with the final scene in the episode, the line “I believe in us” had a very strong impact behind it and it was truly special. I kind of liked how they brought Donatello back, I’m interested to see what they do for his character and story. Cas as a doctor was amazing and really funny.

The seventh episode on my list, is a big one, a milestone in the history of Supernatural, it is episode 14.13 “Lebanon. Yes! The 300th episode is one of my favourites of this season, why wouldn’t it be?? It was so good, it exceeding my expectations for it beyond belief. I loved everything in the episode, I loved how they brought back John after 13 years! I liked how it was kind of a stand-alone from the episodes. It allowed it to kind of have its own storyline and go its own way. Everything about it was fabulous, Jared, Jensen, Jeffrey, and Sam all did great jobs. It was really nice to see all 4 Winchesters together again since the pilot episode. I will say, one thing I didn’t like, which was not exactly related to the episode and I’m sure people can agree with me on this is that I didn’t like how they told us John was coming back early and they kept revealing things before it came out. If they didn’t spoil that reveal for us, it would have been 10x better than it already was, but that’s not to say that John’s entrance back wasn’t great the way it was even if we knew he was coming back.

The eight episode on my list of favourites is 14.14 “Ouroboros”, there was a month long wait for this episode after “Lebanon” premiered, and they decided to release promo pictures super early, which gave me some major scares for what was in the episode, mostly for what happened to Dean. I liked seeing Ruth play Michael, because I think that was the first time she played a different character from Rowena and did a great job. And not to be rude, but let’s be honest I’m glad Michael’s dead. Although personally for me I would rather have him alive for the full season if it meant they weren’t trying to make Jack the main villain of this season. The monster, the snake like monster, was weird and but also kind of funny at some points; I’m not sure, I kind of have mixed feelings about this monster/god type thing. And , the last episode on my list is

episode 14.15 “Peace of Mind”, honestly when I was going into this episode I had no idea

what to expect from it. The promo and promo pictures for it were weird and I didn’t know what to expect from them. But it turned out to be a really great episode, it was funny, and interesting, and I liked getting to see the relationship between Sam and Cas in this episode. I thought it was funny how Dean is still afraid of snakes, sliding away from Felix when Jack was talking with Donatello. I also loved the line “What Would The Winchester’s Do?”.

So, that is my review for season 14 of “Supernatural”. And honestly, this is now one of my least favourite seasons. I talked about episodes I loved because to me that's better than hearing why I hated some of the other ones. For the first time in 13 seasons, I didn't like the season finale. This may change as time goes on and I relook at things happening. I still recommend watching the show, the show is great. But this season was not the best that it could have been in my opinion.

1 Comment

May 08, 2019

I like your idea to talk about episode you loved. For me it was good seasons, no my fav, no worst(I'm bad in doing list things anyway), there were episodes that I loved, episodes or ideas/moments I don't like but in summary - it was good season for me. It's always sad when your favorite show disappint you and give you bad season, so sorry that you've this feelings. I'm curious what was your theory for s15?


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