Continuing on with the very long journey of reviewing the seasons from my favourite show “Supernatural” very much out of order. This time talking about season 2 which is actually my favourite season out of all of them. The second season had a great season premiere, it started off strong from the previous cliffhanger finale of the first season and continued very strong throughout the rest of the season. I like how it continued right from where season 1 left off with the car crash. There are some times where it works to continue right from where the season left off and other times where a time jump helps the season progress more. This time with it being only the second season of the show, it was good that they chose to continue straight on. This season told us more about the physic children, who they are, what powers they have, what Yellow Eyes wants with them, etc. This season also introduced some new fan favourites…well fan favourites for me at least including Andy, Ellen, Jo, Ash; as well as bringing back some people like Meg, Jessica, Mary. It had an amazing two part finale that was definitely a tear jerker but a great way to wrap up the season. The season brought a lot of things and elements to the show that definitely changed it but changed it in a good way. It had a lot of great episodes in it, including a lot of my all-time favourites that I shall talk about coming up in this post. I thought it had a good variety of episode genres, funny episodes, sad episodes, ones that helped the storyline move along, etc.

First up on my list of favourites is obviously 2.01 “In My Time Of Dying”. This episode picked up right from where season 1 left off and I really liked that because when there is a cliffhanger on a season finale, it’s sometimes good to have those time jumps when the new season airs and sometimes it’s good to just pick it up right from where the previous season left off. In this case, it was the latter of continuing right on from the season finale. There was a lot of things going on in this episode at one location which was the hospital. Dean was dying and was kind of like a ghost I guess. Bobby was back and I was so glad to see him back because I love Bobby. Tessa the reaper who is one of my favourite reapers that we’ve seen. Yellow eyes was in the episode and is now in the vessel that we all correlate when we see him and Fredric Lehne played a great villain. John died saving Dean by selling his soul. With everything that was happening in this episode it made it a really great episode to watch and a great season premiere.
Next on my list is episode 2.05 “Simon Said”, this episode introduced another one of the

psychic children at first and then another one after that, Andrew Gallagher and his twin brother Ansem Weems. Now not to be completely biased towards Jared/Sam but Andy is my favourite psychic child. It was a little funny with some of the scenes where Andy mind controls people like Dean. The episode showed some more about Sam’s vision. This season was primarily about the psychic children and Yellow Eyes’ plans for them which gave us more insight about what Sam’s powers are and how they work. The third episode on my list is 2.10 “Hunted”. Ah the return of Gordon Walker, the great Vampire hunter who ironically got turned into a vampire and is hell bent on killing

Sam because of some paranoid view of who he is. Another psychic child who is like Sam by having the same powers of visions. I loved how they had a secret code called “Funky town” for when somethings wrong but then got changed I guess to “Poughkeepsie”. The fourth episode on my list is 2.11 “Playthings”. I really enjoyed this episode because I thought it was funny, it was a different kind of take on a ghost episode which was super interesting. It made me sad to see Sam feeling guilty about the deaths when he thought he should have been able to save them. And then Dean is trying to deal with what John told him about either killing Sam or saving him.

Next on my list is episode 2.14 “Born Under A Bad Sign”. When I first watched this episode I actually went back to the previous episode and watched the end of it because I thought I had missed something. I think this episode is kind of like its own little jump in storyline because it’s two weeks later and Sam is missing and a lot of things are happening all at once. This episode kind of foreshadowed things that could possibly happen with Sam and him going to the “dark side” because a hunter is dead and Sam is connected to it and then it turns out that he was the one who did it but he can’t remember it and they don’t know what’s going on. Anyway, a few characters came back in this episode. Jo’s back and not staying with her mom because she wanted to hunt and live her life freely. Bobby’s in this episode and is becoming more of a bigger character than before. And then Meg’s back, she’s back and was possessing Sam to I guess get revenge for getting sent back to hell and working for Yellow Eyes.

The sixth episode on my list is 2.20 “What Is And What Should Never Be”. I really liked this episode it brought back some older episodes like 1.03 with Lucas and 1.04 with the flight when Dean was going through everything that he and Sam had done and saw that they didn’t stop or save anyone because in the world he was in, the brothers weren’t hunting and they weren’t close with each other. Mary and Jess was in the episode and it was nice to see them again. It was interesting to see another life that the Winchesters would have had but also sad because it’s not quite the same with the brother’s relationship and everything that they’ve done. And I watched the episode a bunch of times and never noticed this actor was in it even after I started watching Wynonna Earp. Not until she tweeted about the show ending did I realize that Melanie Scrofano was in this episode playing the girl that appeared in Dean’s dream world that told him that this was all fake.

Next on my list is episode 2.21 “All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1”. The first part of the two part season finale, the great showdown of the psychic children. Ava and Andy are back and there are some new characters in this episode who are also psychic. But there all in an abandon town and if they try and leave then they’ll die. And only one person can be the “champion” and Ava has apparently killed a lot of people. And then Andy gets killed, and then Ava gets killed by one of the new characters Jake. Then Sam being who he is tries to get out without killing each other but Jake doesn’t believe him and tries to kill him. But Sam gains the upper hand and has an opportunity to kill him but didn’t. Although then he gets stabbed in the back by Jake figuratively and literally. And then the sad scene of Sam dying in Dean’s arms and then that’s the end of the episode. This episode was really good it had a good balance of different things in it.

The last episode on my list is 2.22 “All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2”. And of course it has to start with an emotional scene of Dean talking about he should have protected Sam and has been watching over him for is whole life and then he makes a slightly reckless decision by selling his soul to save Sam’s life. This episode also brought the famous line by Bobby “Family Don’t End With Blood”. Ellen is back in this episode and I missed her so I was happy to see her come back. And then all hell literally breaks loose hence the title of the episodes. Yellow Eyes takes Jake somewhere where there is a gate to hell and the colt is the key to open it. So when Sam, Dean, Bobby and Ellen get there, Dean has an idea to use the colt to kill Yellow Eyes. And they do with a little help from John’s ghost. And so ends the two season storyline of Yellow Eyes and the psychic children and getting revenge for their family.
I’ve said this before in my previous season reviews of Supernatural and I’m gonna say it again. I highly recommend watching this show because it’s great. Give it a chance if your hesitant about it.