2019 was quite a year, filled with a lot of big changes for me. Let's start at the beginning of the year. At the start of 2019, I was entering my last semester of high school. Six months later June rolls along and I graduated high school. Honestly, it was looking as if I almost wouldn't pass a class which would cause me to have to go back for a fifth year. This wouldn't necessarily be all that bad, however, because I had an amazing teacher and worked my butt off I was able to pass the exam and pass the class. And that was one main chapter of my life finished. Although before I graduated high school something else did happen.

As everyone knows I assume, in March there was the announcement from the boys saying that season 15 of Supernatural would be it's last. This is very sad because it also means that there would be a lot of lasts happening for this season and a lot of tears coming.

Then after I graduated, I was leaving home and going to live at my cottage for the summer because of a summer job. And because my cottage was out in the country area, I had terrible reception and no internet which caused me to be separated from all my SPNFamily over the summer. Of course, it's not the end of the world not having the internet to go on but I do enjoy talking with my friends and seeing how they are. At the beginning of the summer on July 24, I was celebrating my one year anniversary of starting this blog. I had started this blog because I always had an interest in writing and wanted to put it out somewhere and to have been doing it for a full year was a crazy accomplishment to me. But I am also proud that I kept going with it for a full year and hopefully many more in the future. Another thing I did over the summer was two 5k obstacle races. I chose to do this because of The Bad Idea Tour that some of the Supernatural cast did with running the marathon. And I knew that I would not be able to run a full marathon or even a half marathon. But I thought a 5k wouldn't be too bad and that having obstacles with it could be fun. So my mom and I did a Mud Girl 5k run and a Foam Fest 5k run. Some of the obstacles were a bit challenging but I promised myself to do all of the obstacles and I did.
When summer was over and September rolled along, I was started a new chapter of my life. I had my very first semester of college. I am currently doing a one year program that allows people to get into medical type programs if they get high enough marks because they either couldn't get the right marks in high school or took a few years off, things like that. My first semester went well and here's to hoping the same goes for semester 2 so I can get into a nursing program. Then in October the last season of Supernatural, season 15, premiered.

And I was also at a Supernatural Convention the Thursday it aired. So following the Supernatural premiere I went to Supernatural Toronto. It makes it a lot easier to go to a con in your hometown because you save a lot of money on traveling. The last time they came to Toronto for a convention was in 2017 and that was actually my very first Supernatural convention so my very first time meeting the boys. I had a great time at the con and spent a lot of time with my friends having lots of fun and got a lot of great memories from it. If you want to read all about my experiences at the con you can read it here.
And funny enough (kind of), the next thing that happened this year was another convention. My mom and I flew down to Florida again for Supernatural Jacksonville like we did last year. I got to see all of my friends that I met last year who I missed so much. And I also met some new friends who I hope to see again soon. Another great convention with a lot of great experiences from it as well. Definitely one for the books. About two and a half weeks after the con was my birthday. Last year the Sunday of JaxCon was my birthday and even though I didn't have a con on my b-day this year I got a lot of lovely messages from my friends online which made me really happy. I turned 18 this year so I'm technically officially an adult now.
Then the last thing that happened this year was that I got a tattoo. For just over a year now I have wanted to get a tattoo that combined the words from both Jared's AKF campaign and Misha & Jensen's YANA campaign. A lot of people usually get just the Always Keep Fighting part but I wanted to have something from all three of them. So I got the words "Always Keep Fighting Because You Are Not Alone" tattooed in a cursive like fonts style. I am absolutely in love with how it turned, the tattoo artist I had was amazing and the good thing was it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. It's healing well and I am so happy to have those words as a reminder to myself and others.
So 2019 was one heck of a year with lots of things in it. I am so grateful that I was able to go to two cons and make some amazing memories. And hopefully, 2020 brings nothing but goodness and some new memories.