I know it’s no shock to the people reading this that things need to change and that change is being fought for and is happening right now. The Black Lives Matter movement is fighting for things to change every day. And I know that it is not necessarily my place to be trying to talking about this like I know what is happening to this people because I don’t; and I don’t plan on trying to pretend. However, I also didn’t want to go without saying anything at all. That doesn’t seem like the right thing to do either. There is a vast amount of different cultures, races, sexual orientation, gender identity, and more that are being severely lacking representation in society. Not only are they not being represented but when they are it’s people playing the role instead of people who actually have these things or are these people for lack of better words. Like if there is a trans character in a production and they don’t actively try and go find an actor who is trans to play the character.
And being represented in society is definitely not the only major issue that is happening in the world. These people are being killed and taken and hurt at excessive rates that needs to be stopped. I not only wanted to talk about these matters that need to have awareness for them, but I also wanted to provide links of petitions you can sign to support these causes, these movements if you haven’t done so already. Also the link at the top of this post has a lot of information and go out and search for organizations, people, petitions, donations, etc. to support yourself. You don’t need to wait for the links to pop up on social media or something else.