Unlike Saturday morning, this morning I had my voice. I didn’t lose it from singing very out of key karaoke songs. My parents and I got breakfast and then they dropped me off at the convention center because I had a ticket for the photography panel with Chris Schmelke. As soon as I saw this on Creation’s website, I knew I wanted to get a ticket for it. I love doing photography and most of the things I know is by trial and error or self-teaching. So getting the chance to learn from Chris, who is an amazing photographer, was a dream come true.

And it was good that I got the ticket so soon because they sold out immediately. My mom didn’t have a ticket for the panel, so she and my dad just drove around Cleveland and explored. The photography panel with Chris was really good, he talked about taking pictures and an editing program and a little bit about his family. We got to ask a question to Chris if we wanted to, and I asked him what it was like to start a career as a photographer. He said it was challenging and that started is one of the hard parts.
Then after the panel was over, my mom came and we went into the auditorium and they were doing some quick trivia. Similar to the yes/no trivia on Friday, but instead of yes/no questions they were more specific. One of the questions was, what is Jessica’s middle name. And that is a hard question, I think the show has only shown it once, on her gravestone. After trivia, there was another no-minimum bid auction like there was on Saturday. This time we did not bid on anything and the bidding was still extremely high. Next was the first panel of the day which was Ruth Connell’s panel. On Sunday, there was a lot more people than there was on Friday or Saturday. Ruth is very sassy and if you leave during her panel or come in late, she…will basically interrogate you, but all in good fun. There was a few people leaving to go to photo ops and Ruth called them out on it and said to have fun. Like everyone else in the SPN cast, Ruth helps and provides awareness to charities and other things like that. The main charity that she supports is called My Hope Chest which helps woman with breast cancer get surgeries for reconstruction and other support that they need.

She started to hand out silicone My Hope Chest bracelets and then she asked a fan to hand them out to people who really love Rowena, I think. It just so happen to be that I knew the fan who was handing them out, I know her from twitter and she recognized me and gave me one which was nice of her. Ruth told her to be harsh about it and she was, it was kind of funny to see her questioning and joking around with people who love or maybe not love Rowena. But who couldn’t love her. After that there was a break in panels and I went upstairs looking for a friend from twitter. I saw her and me being my shy self didn’t muster the courage to say hi, so my mom approached her for me. I’m a shy person, but I’m working on it; it’s definitely a lot easier at SPN cons to handle it. I saw Britta, who is my friend form twitter, throughout the day. It was really nice meeting her because I wanted to meet as many online friends as I could at this con.

The next thing that was on the schedule was Rob’s panel and I don’t know if this is true. But I just had this feeling that it was a special panel, for both us and Rob. After all the emotions and support from Saturday for his 5th anniversary. This panel just felt really special to me. Rob’s panel was really good, he drew a random fan’s name, backstage I guess, and brought them up to sing a song with him and the rest of Louden Swain. They sang Eskimo and that’s a favourite of mine. It was really cute to watch, Rob was helping the fan and making sure she was okay. After that was Alex Calvert’s panel, he was sweet and funny and it was a very fun panel to watch. Alex’s game was Head’s Up and it was interesting to see what words came up for each person. It was also fun to play along from the audience trying to describe the word or phrase. The last panel of the day, and the con, was Misha Collin’s panel. Because Misha, and Jared and Jensen, are so popular you need to put your name in a raffle to ask a question. I put my name in it but didn’t think that I would

get picked because a lot of people want to ask him a question so it’s very high odds. But then they brought up the list of people who got picked and I started to look at the left column but that’s for the left side and we were on the right side. So then I started looking down the right column and I saw the name Amy, and then I saw my last name and my seat number, and I just started to freak…out. Never in a million years did I think I would get picked to ask them a question, but I did. I was second on the list and I didn’t realize that they went in order of the numbers. So I was second to ask a question on my side, and third overall.

Misha’s game was recreating a scene from Supernatural, so you need the actors, and crew, which is a lot of people for many different jobs. The game showed how many people it takes to do just one scene of an episode and getting it all set up. They recreated a scene from the season 5 finale, Swan Song. Misha’s panel is only about an hour and recreating the scene took a lot of time, so not many people were able to ask their question. I was very lucky and fortunate enough to be able to ask a question. Because I wasn’t expecting to get picked, I didn’t have a question prepared. However, both Gabrielle, and her friend Anna also got picked to ask Misha a question. Anna was first in line, so she was right in front of me and Gabrielle was around the middle of the line. Anna and I were talking a bit while the workers organized the lines and I said that I didn’t know what to ask him. But she had a list of possible questions to ask Misha and she let me look at it and use one which saved me. I asked him what he thought Castiel’s true form was and it actually worked out because (spoilers ahead for S14’s first episode) season 14 had just premiered on the Thursday and they showed what Anael or Sister Jo saw Michael as and it was Michael’s true angel form. So it worked asking and talking about angel’s true forms. He said something about Castiel’s true form being really big and mighty and referred back to season 4 when Dean got out of hell and he was hearing Castiel’s real voice and how it was breaking and shattering all the windows or mirrors around. I kind of froze when it was my turn, I don’t even know why I just blanked and then realized what was going on. It was really nice to be able to ask Misha a question and I am very grateful that I had the change to go to Cleveland and go to the convention and get picked to ask him a question.

The last thing we had for the convention was autographs with Misha and it was getting late and we still had a long drive home with school and work the next day. So as soon as they called our row up for autographs, my mom jumped up and went straight to eh line. Earlier in the weekend, we brought a bag of donations to the table for a local charity house in Cleveland. And if you donated something then you got your name put into a raffle to win a custom Misha Collins pop made by Liz who owns and runs Little Pop Workshop. I completely forgot about this and because I’m from Canada I didn’t have any data in the states to receive twitter notifications and that’s where Liz announced the winner and I won the raffle. I am very happy that I did and thankful and I was glad that it came from doing something good by donating to a good cause. Because Misha was only there Sunday, he had a lot to do so he wasn’t personalizing any autographs. I was originally going to get him to sign his chapter in Family Don’t End With Blood, but I want those to all be personalized and I wanted him to sign the pop because it is a really nice pop figurine. So I got him to sign the pop instead. And he seemed to like it based on the expression on his face. Also there was a baby and a mother in line in front of us and I think it was the same mother and baby form Kim’s autograph line. So we were kind of playing with the baby and the baby would stare at me and I would smile and wave hi. It was really adorable to see Misha interact with the baby, they’re all so good with kids and it’s amazing.

And that…is the end of my Supernatural Cleveland 2018 convention experience. It was such an amazing and wonderful weekend that I will cherish…for the rest of my life. It was a crazy, wild ride and I loved every second, every millisecond, of it and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I made so many great memories from this convention, I met my idol Alana King and many other people who I admire. I got to meet new cast members and step out of my comfort zone doing things like asking questions during a panel. I met friend that live miles and miles and miles away from me, but who I share common interests with. That weekend…is truly…one of the best weekends in my whole life and will continue to be one of the best weekends for the rest of my life.