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My Top 10 Supernatural Episodes

Writer: Amy CheronAmy Cheron

This is a list of my top 10 favourite episodes from the show “Supernatural”. I chose these episodes from season 1-13 because season 14 is not finished yet. This blog post is inspired by Kaci's, aka Earth To Kace, Top 10 Supernatural Episodes video:

#10 Season 11 Episode 11- Into the Mystic

I chose this as my number 10 because I really enjoyed the episode, it introduced one of my favourite characters, Eileen Leahy, as well as a new deaf actor, Shoshannah Stern. I loved Eileen the second she came on screen because she was tough and a good hunter despite not being able to hear; and it was the first time I have ever seen a deaf person on television, and I loved it. it was very inclusive and interesting to see, and I thought it was really amazing. It was a funny episode, I liked Mildred she was a very funny, smart and wise woman. The episode had very good special effects, especially on the banshee, which was a pretty scary monster at first. It reminded me of the style of monsters from season 1 and 2. I also liked the brotherly moments in the episode, after everything with Lucifer in the previous episodes, it was good that Sam had Dean there with him, and the same for Dean having Sam there.

#9 Season 12 Episode 22 – Who We Are

I chose this as my number 9 because I really liked the storyline of the episode, with Sam teaming up and leading the other hunters to go take down the British Men of Letters; and Dean trying to save their mother and bring her back. I liked how Sam took on the leader role in this episode, because earlier in the episode he was talking about how he was afraid to lead and that he couldn’t do it. But Dean knew he could and always had his back supporting him. And he could, and he did. It’s a big step in the way of character development for Sam which was really great to see. I really liked seeing Jody and Alex there, but if I’m being honest, any episode with the ladies in it is a good one to me because I love seeing them. I thought Jensen’s acting throughout the episode was outstanding. The scene between Dean and Mary when he is trying to reason with her to come back that the world she is in isn’t real, that it’s all an illusion, was very powerful and emotional. I enjoyed seeing the bond between Dean and Mary, and to see it grow after that. Unlike Sam, Dean had some time with Mary before Azazel killed her and may have may have had some memories with her too. Then after she died, Dean had to take on the father role while being an older brother and a kid. That’s a lot to take on at a young age. And Jensen has always been very good at portraying those emotions and experiences from it which is very interesting to watch. I also really like the writer of the episode, Robert Berens, he has written other episodes that I really like. Including my number 3 episode.

#8 Season 8 Episode 23 – Sacrifice

I chose this one as my number 8 because it’s one of the best finales of the entire show in my opinion. I thought that there was a lot of great character development for Sam, what he confessed to so he could purify his blood. I really liked all the beautiful shots done in the episode, like the angels falling down or the confession scene. I always love Phil Siggricia’s directing style, he has directed other episodes that I really enjoyed. I liked seeing the human side of Crowley, singing David Bowie, and making pop culture references. In the beginning when the character was first introduced in season 5, you see Crowley as this sleazy crossroads demon who becomes the king of hell, and only worries about keeping his title and “crown” from Abaddon and anyone else who wants it. So seeing a different side to Crowley was really interesting and intriguing to me. I really loved the brotherly bond and moments between Sam and Dean. How Sam felt ashamed and bad for all the poor decisions he made but Dean didn’t hold that against Sam and moved past it…eventually. Jared and Jensen are really good friends and have good chemistry which you can see in the scenes and episodes and it makes them so much better and makes it feel so much more real and true which is something I really enjoy watching and appreciate. A quote that I really like din the episode was “There ain’t no me if there ain’t no you”, because we’ve seen what could happen and what they are like and the choices they make when there not together, it’s not very good.

#7 Season 1 Episode 1 – Pilot

The pilot, the beginning that started everything, what started this crazy roller coaster that is Supernatural…and it is amazing. It introduces the show and gives you a good idea of what it is all about. The pilot really set the tone of the show and that’s one of the things that I love about it. I liked how funny it was, between the banter of siblings and the funny lines that can be interpreted in different ways. The “Bitch” “Jerk” lines that I interpret as their way of saying many different things. I like how they show the way hunter works and how to do it. I really liked how there was a distinct indication of each of the brother’s personality types. Which is half because of Jared and Jensen and half because of the writing. Sam being the one who does research and wants to do something with his life other than hunting. Dean being the tough guy, good with the ladies, following in his dad’s footsteps right down to the leather jacket, rock music, and classic car.

#6 Season 10 Episode 3 – Soul Survivor

The third episode of the Demon Dean story arc. I didn’t like the first two episodes of the Demon Dean. They were weird and not very interesting to me. However, I did really enjoy this one. I really like Jensen’s directing style because it’s new and not something that we’ve seen on Supernatural before from other directors. Also, directing an episode while also acting in it, pretty much playing two characters. That’s hard work , and not everyone can do it. But he could. One thing I do love from Jensen directing the episode, is wo the gas station that Hannah and Castiel go to is called Lil’ Levi’s in tribute to Jensen’s nephew who has down syndrome. I liked seeing this other version of Dean, the villain type side of Dean Winchester. It was interesting to me to see some of the similarities between normal Dean and Demon Dean but also seeing the differences. I enjoyed seeing the action shots in the episode. It was fascinating to see Sam step into the older brother role, and “Yanking your lame ass out of the fire” as Sam said to Dean in the episode, to me referring to saving him. I liked all the sarcasm from Demon Dean because it reminded me of the original Dean. I thought the acting was good in this episode, from Jensen, Jared, Misha, and everybody else. I thought it was cool how some scenes were similar to the classic horror movie scenes, like talking through a broken door. Also, we get to see Rowena/Ruth for the first time.

#5 Season 2 Episode 21 – All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1

I chose this episode as number 5 because I really enjoyed the whole episode; it is one of my favourite finales (and yes I count it as a finale because it is in 2 parts). It’s the first time that we see one of the brothers actually loose the other one (I don’t count the ones in the hospital as deaths unless they actually die like John did). Personally, I really enjoyed watching the psychic/special children storyline; and it was really interesting to see them all there and to see what different powers they each had. I loved Andy, he was my favourite psychic character out of them all. I would say Sam but then I feel like I’m being biased. I liked the scene in the end of the episode. It was very emotional, but we really only see that in the finales most of the time. I want to highlight on Jensen’s acting skills when Dean was holding his dead brother in his arms, constantly moving his hands not knowing what to do, or how to fix the situation. Then trying one last time to call out to his brother, screaming his name, but Sam was already gone. I thought that was a very powerful scene that was very well done; with the acting, writing, directing, everything.

#4 Season 10 Episode 8 – Hibbing 911

I chose this episode as my number 4 because it’s the first episode where we get to see Jody and Donna work together and hunt together. I really enjoyed the episode. It was really funny, especially with Donna learning about hunting and freaking out about it while Jody, Sam, and Dean are so calm. I love the female empowerment in it, with Jody and Donna helping figure things out, and Donna getting her first monster kill saving Jody and the others. Jody and Donna being the badass females that they are. It is one of the first episodes that started to the whole Wayward Movement, and the Wayward Sisters series.

#3 Season 13 Episode 10 – Wayward Sisters

I chose this episode for my number 3 choice because, well if you haven’t noticed yet I am all for the females and the female episodes; and this one was the back door pilot for a potential spin off all about females and female empowerment. It is full of strong, tough, badass females hunters, who are all teaming up and working together to go save the boys. I absolutely loved the theme song for it, “I Am The Fire” by Halestorm. Lots of female empowerment throughout the episode which I loved and adored seeing. The episode introduced new characters, new monsters, new worlds. It is an amazing episode with amazing shots by the fabulous Phil Siggriccia along with awesome set designs and extraordinary acting by everyone. Full of wayward and everything wayward related, I really enjoyed seeing Jody and Donna raising the girls and teaching them all about hunting.

#2 Season 5 Episode 22 – Swan Song

Swan song, in my opinion, is the best finale out of them all. It has a great storyline in it that ties together the whole season and what it was about. The episode had amazing fight scenes, kudos to the stunt workers, the stunt and fight coordinators, Jared and Jensen, and anyone else who was a part of it. It has mystery and cliff-hangers that leave you questioning what happened and what will happen. The episode had family and love in it, and family is a big part of the show. I really enjoyed seeing all of the revelations and brotherly moments in the episode. I really liked Dean’s entrance driving into the cemetery with excellent song choice. The flashback montage with all the little tidbits to the car was amazing. How Chuck described the impala, “No, the most important object”; because it’s not just a car. I loved the acting in the episode, it was very good and well done. I really enjoyed the scene where Dean went to Lisa’s house and she already knew what he needed without him having to say anything. I really like Chuck’s monologue throughout the episode. These are some of my favourite quotes from the episode:

“And when it was clear, they’d park her in the middle of nowhere, sit on the hood, and watch the stars…for hours…without saying a word”

“Maybe they never really had a roof and four walls…but they were never, in fact, homeless

"Ending are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There’s always gonna be holes. And since it’s the ending, it’s all supposed to add up to something. I’m telling you there a raging pain in the ass”

“So what’s it all add up to; it’s hard to say. But me, I’d say this was a test…for Sam and Dean. And I think they did all right, up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and god himself, they make their own choice. They chose family, and well…isn’t that kind of the whole point? No doubt—endings are hard…but then again…nothing ever really does end, does it?”

I really like the last quote, because the whole finale was kind of set up like a series finale, and then this line and the last few seconds of the episode showed that it wasn’t the end. But when Supernatural does come to an end, even though it will be sad to see it go. I will remember this line and know that even though there is no new supernatural episodes coming out. Everything that comes with it and the people in this family are still here.

And my number 1, all time favourite episode of Supernatural is..............

#1 Season 5 Episode 4 – The End

My number 1 episode out of all 287 episodes, this is my all-time favourite one. It’s a future look episode with the world dealing with the apocalypse. Two different versions of Dean which I enjoy watching because it’s interesting to see the similarities and differences between the two. I love human Cas, he’s funny and so much different from the normal Cas. It’s the first time we see Sam possessed by Lucifer and what he is like. We get a look at what Dean is like without Sam, and how he is dealing with everything. I love Chuck, he’s similar to the normal one but still a bit different; both are still hilarious. I liked how the episode had both funny scenes and serious scenes. We get to learn more about the croatoan virus after 3 seasons. I really enjoyed watching the scene between Lucifer Sam and Dean in the end of the episode, it was intriguing and Jared and Jensen did a great job. This episode is what I like to call my go to episode, whenever I get stressed, or frustrated, or upset, I watch this episode to cheer me up and distract me for a bit. Some of the quotes that I really like were:

“What? I like past you”

“You ever get back there you hoard toilet paper, you understand me? Hoard it. Hoard it like it’s made of gold, cause it is”

“Rhonda Hurley. We were…19. She made us try on her panties, they were pink, and satiny, and you what? We kind of liked it” “Touché”

“That’s pretty nice timing Cas” “We had an appointment”

“So what do we do now?” “We make our own future”



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