**This review has spoilers for the movie if you have not seen the movie yet read at your own risk of being spoiled**

As soon as the trailer came out for this movie and I watched it, I knew I wanted to see it the day it came out. But of course Friday night, opening night, at the movies is incredibly busy. So, I watched the Monday night after it came out. I absolutely loved every second of it, it was thrilling, funny, entertaining, and so much more. I didn't dislike anything about this movie. Detective Pikachu is about Tim Goodman trying to figure out what happened to his father, Harry Goodman after he finds his father's Pokémon partner in his apartment. And his dad's Pokémon is none other than Pikachu himself with a cute little detective hat on. Although, Pikachu has no memory of what happened from the car crash that killed Tim's dad and should have killed him. So, Tim and Pikachu start looking for clues trying to figure out what happened to Harry with the theory that he may still be alive and out there somewhere.

This is probably stating the obvious but Pikachu is incredibly adorable!! I love him so much with all my heart! I also love Ryan Reynolds and him being the voice of Pikachu and being Tim's dad just made the movie all the better. And I can't forget about my girl, Kathryn Newton, who has been kicking butt lately doing one film or tv show to the next. She was amazing in this movie and I absolutely loved her playing Lucy Stevens with Psyduck as her Pokémon partner. I really enjoyed the storyline and the plot of the movie. It had a lot of different genres to it, like comedy, emotion, suspense, action, etc. I really liked how it was kind of set up like Tim and Pikachu were solving a case, both being detective's trying to figure out what happened to Harry. I thought it was interesting how the villain of the movie, Howard Clifford, was trying to enhance the Pokémon's abilities and put the mind of the person into the Pokémon's body. But of course, it was very bad to do that to everyone and the Pokémon's, hence why it was the villain's plan and one of the main plot lines of the movie.

I liked how it had a lot of different aspects from the Pokémon world, like from the original games and Tv show adaptions made of it. With the battling between different Pokémon’s, in championships or the not so legal battles, being trainers training their Pokémon's for the championships, using the pokeball's to try and catch them all (sorry I had to), and having a Pokémon partner with you that you bonded with. I absolutely loved the ending of the movie, now usually I think I'm pretty good at guessing things when it comes to movies and tv shows and coming up with theories that most of the time were right about what was going to happen.

But I did not see this ending coming at all. I loved how they brought Ryan in to be Tim's dad and that explains why they never showed the face of his dad when they showed the car crash scene or at the beginning of the movie. I loved Pikachu's choice to help save his partner that he bonded with. I felt like it really showed that there is a strong connection between the person and the Pokémon, that it's not just some sort of animal or pet they're training for battles. I also like how they still kept Pikachu in the ending of the movie to be Harry's Pokémon partner. I kind of wish they showed more of the different kinds of Pokémon. They had a lot of wide shots of the parade where all of the different Pokémon's were, but I wanted to see them more up close and have more scenes with them in the movie. And I slightly wished they showed the date between Tim and Lucy, mostly for the fact to see more of Kathryn in the movie. Anyway, if you can't already tell from all the gushing and adoring I just talked about for the movie. I loved it, it's amazing, and I would very much highly recommend that you go check it out for yourself.
I love it. It was funny, my memories returned and I felt like little child again. I'm so glad that I could watch movie with pokemon on big screen. And Ryan Reynolds is amazing as Pikachu