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Five Feet Apart Movie Review

Writer: Amy CheronAmy Cheron

The movie Five Feet Apart is about Will and Stella, who both have Cystic Fibrosis. Will and Stella are both patients at the hospital where they spend most of their time due to their disease. Stella is the kind of person who likes everything to be controlled and organized. She has lots of routines, and schedules, boundaries, and self-control. Will is the opposite, he doesn’t worry about those types of things. Because of that it starts to throw off Stella, so she helps him to help her and then they start to spend more time with each other and start to fall in love with each other. Although because of their disease, they can’t get within 6 feet of each other to avoid contamination. But as they grow closer, it encourages them both, even Stella, to break the rules and make their own choices.

I really enjoyed this movie, I will admit, I wasn’t planning on seeing it at first; but then my good friend Caitlyn was praising it so much that I chose to go see it, and I don’t regret it at all. So thank you Caitlyn! It made me cry a lot but that was because it had some really great emotional, cute, and well done scenes in it. I think that Cole and Haley did a fantastic job with the movie and had great chemistry throughout it that made everything even better. I also liked about Stella had a youtube channel where she talks about Cystic Fibrosis and shows what it’s like in her life with it, what she does every day with the different treatments and everything. I thought it was very modern to the audience with technology being around so much and very informing for someone like me who is not very educated about Cystic Fibrosis and probably for others as well, both in the movie and people who are watching.

I felt as though the movie had a good mix of happy scenes, sad scenes, emotional scenes, cute scenes, etc. (yes, I consider emotional and sad as two different things). The scene, where Poe died, completely tore my heart out and ripped it up into a bunch of little pieces. Mostly because they teased something like it before where it wasn’t actually something and then when it did happen it was something and they couldn’t bring him back. It was like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” story but with a much sadder ending to it. To stray away from

sadness, I absolutely loved Barb, she is amazing and cared so much about all of them and wanted to look out for them, kind of like a mother and a nurse. A mother for them when their parents couldn’t be there. I would like to be a nurse, and seeing what Barb does for them and how much she cares, just reminded me of exactly why I want to become a nurse. I felt really connected to Barb because of that.

Another thing I enjoyed about this movie was the fabulous cinematography in it, the scenes were so beautiful and wonderful. The scene when they were walking in the snow, making the snow angels and walking over the bridge, before the traumatic event of Stella falling through the ice. But besides that, that scene was very well done in so many ways, the writing, the acting, the look of it, the atmosphere in it, everything. And the scene at the very end of the movie, when Will brought the lights to Stella because she couldn’t go see them. Just like the last one, it was absolutely beautiful. The story behind, the idea, the thought, it was all very meaningful and so sweet. It was amazing, all of it was amazing.

Amazing edit by Caitlyn @AKF_Winchester

The last thing that I enjoyed about the movie was Stella’s video about taking one foot back. The standard distance that people with Cystic Fibrosis should stand apart from one another is 6 feet in case one of them cough on the other or any sort of contamination happens. But Stella thought that was a bit much, so she chose because of how much CF took from her that she would take one foot back, and shorten it down to five feet apart; hence the title of the movie/book. I thought that was a really brave and passionate move that was a good choice for her, him, and everyone else who has Cystic Fibrosis. And their date was so incredibly cute and adorable and I loved it.

There wasn’t anything in this movie that I didn’t like or would want to change about it, everything was…perfect. So, I would very very very much recommend that you go see this movie, go read the book. It’s a great story with great characters and a great dynamic to it, that is just really really great (I know, I’ve used that word a lot lately, but so what).

This part is done by my very good friend, she is actually the one who got me to see the movie in the first place, about why she felt so connected to the movie when she saw it (also if you want to go follow her on twitter @AKF_Winchester):

“Touch, it’s the most important thing in our lives & we need it. – Five Feet Apart is a movie that talks about CF which stands for Cystic Fibrosis & before this movie I’ve never even heard of this before or even knew it was a real thing. This movie has taught me that you can’t just have hope when the good things happen, you have to have it when the bad things happen too. It’s a hug struggle that people with CF have to go through & I can’t even imagine what a day in their life is even like, but I can only hope that they’re trying to make the most out of their life, no matter what that might be. Five Feet Apart is a movie that’s made me cry so much in years. (The last movie was long time ago) I’ve seen this movie 3 times in theaters now & it’s amazing no matter how many times I’ve seen it.”


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